AI Talk Health: Artificial Intelligence for healthcare on 22 September

AIxIA's live virtual event will be dedicated entirely to Health. Appointment for Wednesday 22 September from 10:00 to 13:00.

AIxIA healthcare

AIxIA, the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, announces the second appointment with AI Talk, the virtual live event that this time will be entirely dedicated toHealth. Scheduled for Wednesday 22 September from 10:00 to 13:00, the digital conference will be hosted on the platform.

Artificial Intelligence has been applied to the healthcare sector since the 1980s with examples that have become historical. Today we are witnessing the emergence and diffusion of new tools that, particularly in this historical period, are proving to be of support to the entire healthcare ecosystem: from the discovery of new molecules to digital clinical trials, from machine learning to theanalysis of functionaldata for pharmaceutical research and development, from systems to assist in-person and remote diagnostics to those for the creation of drugs and vaccines, from tools to control pandemic trends to patient monitoring systems, from online distribution of drugs toassistance for the elderly.

What are the potentials and limitations of these tools? What implications will they have for the quality of care and the relationship with the patient? How will the various actors operating in the field of health care have to evolve? But that is not all. What are the central elements on which the reconfiguration of the health system in Italy must be based, and how must the new technologies be applied in order to be effective?

AI Talk Health will try to answer these questions with several experts in the field from academia and industry. The event is sponsored by Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa and LiquidWeb - BrainControl . Media partners of the event are FASI and

To participate in the event, which is completely free of charge, you must register here.

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