Mentor ME: Mitsubishi Electric educates students at technical schools

Mitsubishi Electric provides Italian schools with Mentor ME, an online platform to support technical education, totally free of charge, which offers young people e-learning and smart working tools to train in the Industrial Automation and Mechatronics and Air Conditioning sectors.

Mentor ME elearning Mitsubishi

Started in the testing phase in September 2019 in the educational district of the province of Monza e Brianza (MB), Mentor ME is the online platform to support teaching in the technical field which Mitsubishi Electric makes available to Italian schools.

Mentor ME has already involved almost 100 second-level technical institutes and over 1,300 students , and over 45 teachers have introduced these courses in their institutes. In addition to combining e-learning skills with activities to be developed in smart working, they update teachers on the most advanced technologies available in the Industrial Automation and Mechatronics and Climate Control sectors.

See the video

Mentor ME E Learning

The modules of the Mentor ME platform

Mentor ME is a true digital 'teleworking' experience led by an expert tutor (teacher) that helps young people acquire key professional skills . Students, just as they would in a physical business environment, are sitting at a virtual desk, faced with content to study and revise, but also with tests to perform, strategies to identify, ideas to plan and carry out.

Mentor ME consists of an introductory module, the same for all orientations, aimed at getting to know the activities and processes of a company such as Mitsubishi Electric. It consists of several video lessons followed by a test that each student must take in order to complete the teaching module and acquire certification of the PCTO (o school-to-work alternation) hours completed.

It will then be up to the teacher to enrol the classes in the vocational pathway he or she considers most suitable among the following: Industrial Automation and Mechatronics and Air Conditioning.

In each of these modules, students can take advantage of e-learning content, with in-depth sessions and final tests. The most operational aspect of the course is completed with a smart working activity in which students will have to carry out a real project, applying - as if they were working in a company - the notions acquired.


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